January - The year has started with a focus on Aam Aadmi Party. What does it stand for?
February - IPL auctions will take place and we will feel
like superpower. Alas, we might not get a chance to show our might to
another alleged superpower.
MARCH - One of those months for activism and care for environment
APRIL - IPL vs IPL (Indian Political League; the 2014 general elections)
MAY - What may happen in May?
JUNE - There may or may not be Modi wave, but there will be heat wave.
JULY - That’s how we celebrate the festival of brotherhood
AUGUST - ODI (One Day Indian) in 20-20 (quick) style
SEPTEMBER - Mumbai will survive
OCTOBER - Another month for activism and care for environment
NOVEMBER - We will not forget
DECEMBER - See you again, folks.
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